The Canadian trade ministry said in a statement on Monday that Canada has filed notices of intent to commence judicial review of US softwood lumber duties, Reuters reported.
News in trade dispute
US Dept. of Commerce Adds Antidumping and Countervailing Duties to Certain Hardwood Plywood Products Exported From Vietnam
The US Department of Commerce recently issued its final determination that plywood exported from Vietnam using inputs sourced from China is a product of China and is therefore subject to the antidumping duty and countervailing duty orders on hardwood plywood exported from China.
US Dept. of Commerce Announces Its Final Determination of Its Fourth Annual Review of Canadian Softwood Lumber Duties
US Department of Commerce announces final determination on softwood lumber trade duties for calendar year 2021.
US Department of Commerce to Issue Its Final Conclusion on Anti-dumping Tax Evasion on Panels Imported From Vietnam in July
The US Department of Commerce (DoC) has announced that it will extend the deadline for issuing its final conclusion on anti-dumping tax evasion investigation into plywood imported from Vietnam—the eighth extension.
US Department of Commerce Announces Fifth Administrative Review of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Softwood Lumber Products From Canada
On Tuesday, the US Department of Commerce published a notice in the Federal Register stating that it has initiated the Fifth Administrative Review (AR5) of the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders for certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
US Commerce Department Publishes Preliminary Results of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews
On Friday, January 27, 2023, the US Department of Commerce published in the Federal Register two notices concerning “Certain Softwood Lumber Products From Canada.”
Russia Extends Prohibitive Duties on Soft and Hardwood Rough Lumber Through 2025
On Friday, Russia extended its prohibitive export duties on soft and hardwood rough-sawn lumber with moisture content in excess of 22%, which has been used as cover for exporting unprocessed timber, for three years until December 31, 2025.
US Commerce Department Corrects Softwood Lumber Subsidies for Non-Selected Canadian Companies
On October 11, 2022, the US Department of Commerce published a notice in the Federal Register, in which the department amended its notice of final results for the 2020 administrative review of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
Canada Officially Files Notice of Challenge to US Softwood Lumber Duties
Canada’s International Trade Minister Mary Ng announced on Monday that the Canadian government has filed a formal notice of challenge under the US–Mexico–Canada trade agreement’s dispute resolution system, in regard to US duties on Canadian softwood lumber.
US Commerce Department Rules That Vietnam Circumvented Hardwood Plywood Duties Using Chinese Core Materials
The US Department of Commerce has preliminary determined that hardwood plywood (HWPW) assembled and exported from Vietnam to the US used Chinese core materials. The agency ruled that the HWPW are subject to significant antidumping and countervailing duties that could be as high as 200%.