On April 30th, the US Department of Commerce issued a redetermination of its antidumping duties for certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
News in trade dispute
Rayonier Advanced Materials Announces Sale of Softwood Duty Refund Rights
Rayonier Advanced Materials has reached agreement regarding the sale to OCP Lumber LLC of the company’s softwood duty refund rights.
US Court of International Trade Orders Commerce Department to Redo Countervailing Duties on Canadian Lumber
The US Court of International Trade ordered the Department of Commerce to “better explain its refusal to check whether suppliers for investigated companies had received government subsidies,” Woodworking Network reported.
US Dept. of Commerce Initiates Sixth Administrative Review of Duties on Certain Softwood Lumber Products From Canada
On March 5th, the US Department of Commerce initiated the sixth administrative reviews of the duty orders for certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
US Dept. of Commerce Releases Preliminary Determinations in Fifth Administrative Review of Duties on Certain Softwood Lumber Products From Canada
The US Department of Commerce has released its preliminary determinations for the fifth administrative review (AR5) of duties on certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
Canada to Challenge US Decision to Maintain Duties on Exports of Canadian Softwood Lumber
Canada’s Trade Minster Mary Ng said Canada is challenging the US decision made late last year to maintain duties on exports of Canadian softwood lumber, Reuters reported.
China Extends Tariff Exclusions on Seven US Hardwood Lumber Products
China is extending the Section 301 retaliatory tariff exclusions on seven hardwood products through July 31st.
US International Trade Commission Affirms Determinations in Five-Year Reviews Concerning Certain Softwood Lumber Products From Canada
The US International Trade Commission made an affirmative determination in its five-year (sunset) review process concerning certain softwood lumber products from Canada.
NAFTA Chapter 19 Panel Issues Ruling on Canada’s Challenge of US Final Dumping Determination on Canadian Softwood Lumber Products
The panel, according to Canadian sources, “Directed the US Department of Commerce to review key aspects of its determination.”
US Dept. of Commerce Amends Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
The US Dept. of Commerce is amending the final results of the administrative review of the antidumping order on certain softwood lumber products from Canada to correct certain ministerial errors.