The Segezha Group has announced that it is investing approximately RUB 5 billion ($69 million) in constructing a new plywood processing shop and is upgrading their existing production lines at its Vyataky Plywood Mill in Kirov, Russia.
News in structural panels
West Fraser Announces Output Reductions at Lumber and Panel Mills during Q3
West Fraser announced the reduction of between 5% and 10% of output during Q3.
Tolko Industries’ Athabasca OSB Mill Receives Upgrade with Installation of New Ripline
Tolko Industries’ Athabasca OSB mill, located in Slave Lake, Alberta, has the largest continuous OSB press in North America and the only continuous press in North America to produce OSB and Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) on the same line. Recently, the Athabasca received an upgrade with the addition of a new ripline.
ZAO Murom Starts Up New OSB Plant in Vladimir Region of Russia
Russian wood-based materials producer ZAO Murom’s OSB plant is up and running. The new OSB line was built as a greenfield project at the site of ZAO Murom in the Vladimir region of Russia. The innovative OSB line with an annual capacity of more than 280,000 m3 enables Murom to use diverse raw material assortments, including waste from plywood production, another focus of the plant investor.
LP Peace Valley OSB Facility Back in Production and Shipping Product
LP Chair and CEO Brad Southern announced during LP’s Q2 2021 earning call, which was held on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, that their Peace Valley OSB facility located in Fort St. John, B.C. had officially pressed its first board on June 22, 2021 after restarting earlier in the year.
Martco L.L.C. to Construct Second OSB Plant in Corrigan, Texas
Martco L.L.C. (RoyOMartin), headquartered in Alexandria, Louisiana, announced on Friday (8-13-21) that its Texas subsidiary, Corrigan OSB, L.L.C, will construct a second oriented strand board (OSB) manufacturing facility near its current, state-of-the-art OSB plant located in Corrigan, Texas.
North American Plywood Output Experiences Stronger Output Growth in Q2 2021 than OSB
According to quarterly statistics provided by the APA, The Engineered Wood Association, North American softwood plywood mills experienced even stronger growth in their output than OSB manufactures in the period between April and June of 2021, when compared with both Q1 and Q2 of 2020.
Georgia-Pacific Confirms Minimal Fire Damage at their Newberry S.C. Plywood Facility
A Georgia-Pacific spokesperson is confirming that a fire in the plywood portion of their Newberry South Carolina facility, reported just before midnight on Monday (6-28-21) was relatively minor and that internal systems helped to suppress the flames before they could spread.
Finnish Company to Launch World’s First Wooden Satellite Before Year’s End
Arctic Astronautics, a Finnish company, plans to launch the world’s first wooden satellite, Woodsat, into orbit before the end of the year. The mini satellite will carry sensors on board, including a pressure sensor and an LED with a photoresistor, which can be used to monitor the satellite’s condition.
EU27 +UK Imports of Plywood Drop for Second Year in a Row
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the United Kingdom (UK) leaving the European Union (EU) has resulted in the EU27 +UK in -7% decrease of plywood and other woods in 2020, this on the heals of a -14% decline in 2019.