After Temporary Curtailment, LP’s Peace Valley OSB Mill Back to Operating at Full Capacity

During the forestry industry downturn in 2019, Louisiana Pacific (LP) made the difficult decision to temporarily curtail production at its Peace Valley OSB mill located in Fort St. John, B.C. LP’s goal was to keep the mill in “ready state,” and LP kept a small team of 20 employees at the mill to take care of the facility and the equipment throughout the curtailment.

After seeing the market turn around in 2020, with record high prices and demand for wood products, LP decided in February of 2021 to reopen the mill. The goal was to have the first sheet of OSB off the press in July; however, thanks to be kept in a “ready state,” the first sheet of OSB was produced in June. Now, it is operating at planned capacity.

At full capacity, it can produce approximately 800 MSF on a three-eighths of an inch basis. The mill primarily manufactures its products from aspen, as well as some balsam poplar, taking around 20-foot-long logs.

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