The total monthly seasonal adjusted annual rate of housing starts for all areas in Canada increased 3% in January to 239,739 units, CMHC reported.
Wood Markets News
Ireland’s Timber Industry Seeks Government Support Following Wind Storm Damage
The Irish timber industry is seeking government support to evaluate, harvest, and replant large volumes of woodland nationwide, Business Post reported.
Vietnam’s Wood Exports to the US Up 7% in Value in December
Vietnam’s wood and wood product exports to the US in December reached US$887.4 million, up 7% compared to November and up 19% year-over-year.
Canada Escalating Logging and Prescribed Fire to Reduce Wildfire Risk to the Banff Townsite
Parks Canada is ramping up plans for logging and prescribed fire work to reduce the risk of a catastrophic wildfire to the Banff townsite, the St. Albert Gazette reported.
Credit Availability Tightened for US Builders in Q4
Credit tightened further in Q4, according to NAHB and Federal Reserve surveys.
New US Residential Construction Input Prices Increase 1.2% in January
Prices for inputs to new residential construction—excluding capital investment, labor, and imports—were up 1.2% in January, the BLS and NAHB reported.
Investment in Canadian Building Construction Increases 1.9% in December
Investment in building construction rose 1.9% to CA$21.8 billion in December, with gains recorded across all components.
SCM to Provide Timberlab With Technologies for Its New Millersburg, OR, Plant
Timberlab is partnering with SCM, a leading Italian manufacturer of machinery and systems for the woodworking industry.
Boston University Unveils Plans for Tallest Timber Tower in Massachusetts
Boston University unveiled designs for a new academic building that would become the tallest mass timber tower in Massachusetts, Bankers & Tradesman reported.
US National Interagency Fire Center Wildfire Update as of February 14
Five large new wildfires were reported this week, with three of these fires contained.