Wood Markets News

Mortgage Delinquencies Rate Reaches New High Level

According to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) recent National Delinquency Survey the overall delinquency rate for mortgages on one-to-four-unit residential properties soared by nearly 4 percentage points (386 basis points) during the second quarter of 2020, and by June 30 reached 8.22% (seasonally adjusted), the highest in nine years.

India’s Ban on Logging and Transportation of Timber Fails to Slowdown Construction

According to Krishnadatta Bhatta, chief at Pahalmanpur Division Forest Office in Kailali, the federal government on May 28, had put a stop to logging and transportation of timber for a number of reasons, which included: investigating the alleged financial irregularities in the sale of timber and in inviting tenders; to ensure transparency in the expenditure of the community forest funds; and finally to curb rapid tree felling that was taking place in the first months of 2020.

Construction Input Prices Rise Again in July

A deeper dive into the recently released Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Producer Price Index (PPI) by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) reveals that construction input prices rose 1.9% in July when compared to those in June.