Wood Markets News

Resolute Forest Products Receives Block Grant to Buy Equipment and Restart El Dorado Arkansas Mill

Resolute Forest Products is the recipient of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC) for the purpose of purchasing equipment for a formerly owned by Conifex and Georgia Pacific sawmill in El Dorado Arkansas, that ceased operations in August 2019 and which Resolute purchased in February of 2020.

Scottish Timber Initiative Receives Funding to Prove Business Case for Using Scottish Timber in Building Structures

A consortium of partners, comprising of Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC), Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) Centre for Offsite Construction and Innovative Structures (COCIS), Scottish Forestry, Confederation of Forest Industries (Confor), and SNRG – have secured funding from Innovate UK’s Sustainable Innovation Fund to prove the business case for using Scottish timber to create the structural elements of buildings.