BC Reduces Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Area Allowable Annual Cut by 12.3%

On Thursday, British Columbia’s deputy chief forester announced a new allowable annual cut (AAC) level for the Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Area (TSA). Effective immediately, the new AAC for the Sunshine Coast TSA is 1,050,000 cubic meters. This is a 12.3% reduction from the previous AAC, while remaining 2% above the average harvest level over the past decade.

The Sunshine Coast TSA comprises approximately 1.7 million hectares (4,200,791 acres) on the southwestern coast. The TSA overlaps the territory of 22 First Nations, all of which were consulted during the timber-supply review process, and feedback considered. The deputy chief forester also sought public input and considered concerns and interests, such as old growth, water, ecosystem function, recreation, climate change, and extreme-weather events.

According to the press release, in light of the old-growth deferral areas in place within the TSA, as well as to ensure sustainable forestry practices, the determination includes two partitions:

  • A maximum of 262,500 cubic meters may be harvested from stands older than 140 years; and
  • A maximum of 787,500 cubic meters may be harvested from stands 140 years and younger

The deputy chief forester’s AAC determination is an independent, professional judgment based on information ranging from technical forestry reports, First Nations consultations, input from the public, and the government’s social and economic objectives.

Under the Forest Act, the chief forester must determine the AAC in each of the province’s 37 timber supply areas and 34 tree-farm licenses at least once every 10 years.

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