BC’s contribution of as much as $7 million (CAD) has provided an incentive for Mercer Mass Timber to invest in the future of their Okanagan Falls facilities.
News in offsite construction
Mayr-Melnhof Holz Invests in Automated High-Frequency Glulam Press in Olsberg, Germany
Mayr-Melnhof Holz has invested in a fully automated modern high-frequency press for the production of glulam standard components at its Olsberg site in Germany.
Canberra, Australia’s Institute of Technology Celebrates “Topping Out” of Hybrid Building
The Australian Capital Territory’s new “wooden campus” has “topped out” the five-story Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) hybrid building, Wood Central reported.
Two New South Australia Colleges to Be Built With Materials From Timberlink’s NeXTimber Facility
The South Australia government has announced that the state’s two new technical colleges will be built with South Australian-sourced timber from Timberlink Australia’s new NeXTimber facility, Australian Rural & Regional News.
Timberlab’s South Carolina Mass Timber Production Facility Reaches Full Capacity
Timberlab’s facility in Piedmont, South Carolina, has reached full capacity, according to GSA Business Report.
New Zealand’s Tallest Commercial Timber Building Proposed in Auckland
Jame Kirkpatrick Group has presented plans to redevelop an existing lot with a new 11-story mass timber building, according to a feature by woodcentral.
Maine’s College of the Atlantic Dedicates Second Mass Timber Building
The College of the Atlantic, located in Bar Harbor, Maine, recently completed and dedicated a second mass timber structure on its campus, Mainebiz reported.
Canada’s Mass Timber Roadmap Unveiled at Parliament Hill
The comprehensive report outlines an ambitious and strategic vision for the future of mass timber in Canada and its potential to transform green construction and drive economic growth across the country.
Vancouver City Council Approves Changes to Building Bylaws Permitting 18-Story Mass Timber Buildings
The Vancouver, BC, City Council amended its building bylaw raising the allowable height of mass-timber buildings to 18 stories in keeping with changes to BC’s building code introduced in April, The Vancouver Sun reported.
University of Toronto’s St. George Campus to Be Home to Tallest Academic Timber Structure in Canada
When completed in 2026, the 14-story building will become the tallest academic timber structure in Canada and one of the tallest mass timber and steel hybrid buildings in North America.