Concord, New Hampshire, Municipal Airport Prepares for New Mass Timber Corporate Hangar

Concord, New Hampshire’s municipal airport is expanding, with biotech firm United Therapeutics, a Maryland-based medical research company, building a new corporate hangar at the airport, according to reporting by the Concord Monitor (3-27-23). Business boosters are excited about United’s expansion, but the new hangar is going to be built using mass timber construction, which is drawing a lot of attention on its own.

Evan Herron, project manager for Silver Maple Construction of New Haven, Vermont, told the Concord Monitor that “The entire skeleton and truss system is glulam. We’ve never done anything like it, and I don’t think many have.”

The 210-by-170-foot hangar will be the first mass timber building in the Concord area. Art Massif, a Quebec-based firm, is making the glulam beams for the project. The company hopes to break ground by the end of April 2023.

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