Wood Markets News

South Central Oregon Fire Danger Level Elevated to High

According to a press release provided by the South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership (SCOFMP), as of Friday morning (6-11-21), the Fire Danger level in the area has been elevated to “High”. Early season summer-like hot, dry weather, depleted snowpack and rapid drying of forest fuels have resulted in fire danger levels reaching “High”.

U.S. Real Estate Values Soar Higher in Q1 2021

According to the latest results from the Federal Reserve’s Z.1 Financial Accounts of the United States, also known as the ‘Flow of Funds”, with analysis provided by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) in Q1 of 2021, the aggregate market value of all owner-occupied real estate in the US registered the largest numerical quarterly increase in the last 20 years’ worth of data.

Mortgage Credit Availability Eases in May

According to Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI), which analyzes data from the Ellie Mae’s AllRegs® Market Clarity® business information tool, mortgage credit availability increased in May. The MCAI rose by 1.4% to 129.9.

Fire Season Starts Early in Northeast Oregon

With fire conditions and behaviors typically seen in mid-to-late July currently taking place, forest managers in northeast Oregon are declaring an early start to the 2021 fire season. The announcement was made on Tuesday (6-8-21), as Oregon Department of Forestry firefighters worked to contain two wildfires ignited by lighting in the region.