Cross Laminated Timber to Be a Feature of the New Fraser Mill Presentation Center in BC

Construction is underway at the Fraser Mill presentation center located in South Coquitlam, BC, according to urbanYVR (8-7-23). Designed by the renowned Vancouver-based architecture studio Patkau Architects, the $10 million (CAD) presentation center is expected to be a key destination for those interested in the Fraser Mills development project.

Patkau’s design was inspired by the site’s historical significance, with the central themes of craft, wood, and technology converging to reflect both the traditional craftsmanship deeply rooted in the lumber mill’s heritage and the cutting-edge advancements that have shaped the area’s development.

The project makes use of cross-laminated timber (CLT). Not only does it align with site’s history as a lumber mill, but it also showcases the latest advancements in sustainable construction methods.

It is anticipated that the facility will be open to the public this December.

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