US National Interagency Fire Center Wildfire Update as of July 29th

The US National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reported that as of Monday, July 29th, 102 large active wildfires are being managed and have consumed 2,083,405 acres. Fire managers are using full suppression strategies on 94 of these fires.

There are 27,110 wildland firefighters and support personnel assigned to wildfires nationwide, including 28 complex and 6 Type 1 incident management teams, 604 crews, 1,625 engines, numerous aviation resources, and four Modular Airborne Fire Fighting Systems. The National Wildfire Preparedness Level remains at a 5 out of 5.

Active to extreme fire behavior continues across multiple geographic areas, with evacuation orders in effect on 25 wildfires. There are fuels and fire behavior advisories in place for Southwest Oregon, the region east of the Cascades in Oregon and Washington, Nevada, Southern Idaho, Utah, and California.

Latest Statistics

As of Monday, there 8 large new fires, and in total there are 94 active large fires that have burned 2,083,405 acres in 11 states. The state level breakdown is Oregon with 33 fires, California with 12, Idaho with 11, Washington with 10, Utah with 6, Montana and Arizona with 5 each, New Mexico and Wyoming with 2 each, and Nevada and Florida with 1 each. The number of fires contained stands at 5.

The updated year-to-date comparison is as follows:

  • Year-to-date through July 29th, 27,741 wildfires were reported, and they have burned 4,019,160 acres.
  • During the same period last year, 29,937 wildfires were reported, and they had burned 1,109,796 acres.
  • The 10-year average (2014–23) for the same period is 36,622 wildfires and 3,517,611 acres burned. The above-average number of acres is partially due to the wildfires in Texas in late February.

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