US Forest Service Announces $25 Million Funding Opportunity to Help Reduce Wildfire Risk

On Tuesday, the US Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service announced a funding opportunity through the hazardous fuels transportation assistance program to reduce wildfire risk, expand and create market opportunities, and support local jobs. This program is available to local businesses and partners that remove hazardous fuels from national forests and transport the material to be processed for wood products or services.

According to the press release, removing hazardous fuels from forests can reduce the risk of wildfires, protects watersheds, and improve forest health and resilience. Hazardous fuels are typically woody material with little commercial value. Although these materials can become useful products or services, the transportation costs are often prohibitive. Without transportation assistance, these materials are often burned in place or not removed from the national forests, increasing the risk of insects, disease, and wildfires that threaten ecosystems, communities, and critical infrastructure.

Applications for this grant opportunity will be accepted for 30 days. Project selections will be announced later this year.

In a statement prepared for the announcement, US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said:

“The timber and wood products industries help support healthy and sustainable forests. Thanks to historic funding from the current administration, this funding opportunity empowers local communities to create and support jobs while helping the USDA Forest Service implement sustainable forest management practices that reduce wildfire risk and support the Wildfire Crisis Strategy.”

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