Stswecem’c Xget’tem First Nation Signs Forest Management MOU With West Fraser

The Stswecem’c Xget’tem First Nation (SXFN) in the Cariboo has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with West Fraser to provide a forest management framework which will benefit both parties, The Williams Lake Tribune reported (10-21-24).

The MOU provides a clearer path forward for West Fraser to continue business while ensuring the economic and cultural values and concerns of SXFN are met.

Kateri Kostner, special projects advisor with the SXFN’s stewardship department, said, “This shows that we are in the forefront of stewardship of the land.” Kostner said fiber security is a real issue in the region, but the support for local mills needs to be reconciled with the values of SXFN, such as managing forest stands in a way which helps with wildfire protection.

Koster added that the MOU will allow the two parties to work proactively while looking at the bigger picture. Historically, collaboration took place in a more transactional, “boots on the ground” way. If something was happening on SXFN’s territory, they wanted to be a part of it. Koster says the MOU is a stepping stone to move beyond this status quo: “We get to look more holistically at our territory, at the landscape, and manage at a higher level.”

The memorandum has been in the planning since 2020 and was signed on September 27th. However, Koster said she would be remiss not to mention the years of work that have made room for these sorts of agreements today.

“This is something First Nations have been asking for a long time,” Koster said. Agreements like this one, she added, require relationship building which doesn’t happen overnight. She said without previous folk working “in the trenches” to stand up for the values of SXFN and other communities, the current political climate would probably not have allowed for this sort of agreement.

Describing the MOU as aiming to go “above and beyond status quo,” Koster said “These types of agreements demonstrate that industry is kind of catching up and finally…meeting us part way as respectful partners.”

Jeff Mycock is chief forester at West Fraser and said the company continues to work on building meaningful relationships with SXFN. “Our work to date recognizes the importance of the SXFN in leading the forest resource management in their territory,” he said.

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