Idaho Department of Lands Sells 21.6 Million Board Feet of Timber Damaged in Cougar Rock Fire

The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) today (9-9-21) sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, more than 21.6 million board feet of timber damaged in the Cougar Rock Complex Fire. The Cougar Rock Complex Fire began on July 7 and consumed more than 8,100 acres. The sale, which covers approximately 1,210 acres, overlooks the Dworshak Reservoir.

When milled into boards, the salvage sale includes enough volume to build more than 1,300 average homes. However, it’s highly unlikely all the timber salvaged will become common framing materials as there is a high volume of cedar included in the offering, just over 12 million board feet. Although scarred by fire, this cedar is still one of Idaho’s most valuable forest products and is estimated to be worth at least $573.40 per thousand board feet.

IDL expects the Benton North Cedar Salvage Sale to sell for at least $7.2 million. For the IDL, getting every penny from the endowment timber is vital. The department manages about one million acres of timberland under a mandate to generate funding for beneficiaries like public schools, colleges, and universities, and state veterans’ homes.

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