Canadian Government to Support Ontario’s Forest Restoration and Nursery Sector

The Canadian federal government announced a significant investment aimed at enhancing forest restoration efforts in Ontario and supporting the tree nursey sector through its 2 Billion Trees program, Canadian Forest Industries reported (6-14-24).

The program, a cornerstone of Canada’s climate action strategy, underscores its commitment to combatting climate change and ensuring a sustainable future through collaborative efforts between government, communities and environmental organizations.

The 2 Billion Trees program has garnered support from Forests Ontario, an organization actively involved in reforestation across the province. Their collaboration underscores the program’s comprehensive approach to tree planting, emphasizing quality, and environmental stewardship.

As a result of this action, the City of Greater Sudbury will receive $200,000 to plant 200,000 trees by 2027. This initiative aims to restore lands impacted by past industrial activities, fostering self-sustaining ecosystems crucial for local biodiversity.

In addition, the Canadian Tree Nursery Association (CTNA) will benefit from a $300,000 investment to bolster skilled labor within the tree nursery sector. This funding will support the development of training programs ensuring workers are equipped to cultivate trees sustainably, aligning with Canada’s forest management goals.

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