British Columbia Changes Its Stumpage Updates From Quarterly to Monthly

Allan Bennett, RPF, Director of the Timber Pricing Branch at the BC Ministry of Forests, issued a memorandum on May 31st regarding BC stumpage lags. According to the notice, starting on June 1st, 2023, stumpage updates will occur monthly rather than quarterly.

The memorandum said that the change will have the following implications:

  • Stumpage lags will be reduced to an average of 3.5 months rather than 6 months.
  • Rates will rise and fall quicker as market conditions fluctuate, which aligns better with the current volatility in lumber prices.
  • Stumpage responsiveness should ensure production aligns with actual market conditions rather than those of 6 months prior.
  • It will make planning easier for small licensees that do not harvest regularly.

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