Southern Forest Products Export Report for July

Data from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Services’ Global Agricultural Trade System, with additional analysis provided by the Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA), show that exports of Southern pine lumber (treated and untreated) through July continued to outpace 2023, up 15%. However, exports in July were down 25% month-over-month and down 12% year-over-year.

According to SFPA analysis, this is the second straight month Southern pine exports were down after reaching a three-year high of 59.7 Mbf in May and marks a five-month low. Softwood imports were down 5% month-over-month and down 1% year-over-year.

When looking at the report by dollar value, Southern pine exports between January and July are running 4% ahead of the same period in 2023 at $130.2 million, with Mexico leading the way at $38.5 million, followed by the Dominican Republic at $31 million and India at $10 million. Meanwhile, treated lumber exports are nearly flat over the year at $81 million, led by Jamaica at $13.7 million, the Leeward-Windward Islands at $13.1 million, and the Dominican Republic at $6.5 million.

SFPA international consultants weighed in with the following thoughts on the July Southern pine exports. Despite the five-month low mentioned above, the broader, longer-term picture remains the same: Caribbean markets have remained steady, exports to Europe continue to struggle, shipments to China continue to plummet because of prohibitive tariffs, exports to alternative Asian markets continue to grow, while India and Pakistan—both very new markets—are growing quickly for the SYP industry.

Here are other key takeaways among countries reporting more than 1 Mbf of imports through July:

  • Mexico remains the largest export market (by volume) of Southern pine and treated lumber, up 40% YTD over 2023 with 92.3 Mbf of imports.
  • The Dominican Republic, the second largest importer of Southern pine, is running 11% ahead of the same period last year with 58.5 Mbf. However, the July total of 4.4 Mbf is the lowest total so far in 2024.
  • India’s total of SYP imports continues to trend upward, running 6% ahead of 2023 at 22.2 Mbf, led mostly by rough Southern pine. The country did, however, post a four-month low of 2.6 Mbf in July.
  • Exports to China continue to plummet, down 56% YTD compared to 2023 with 8.6 Mbf of Southern pine lumber imports.

FEA compiles the Wood Markets News from various 3rd party sources to provide readers with the latest news impacting forest product markets. Opinions or views expressed in these articles do not necessarily represent those of FEA.