FEA’s Weekly Order Survey Reports that Sales Remain Slow but Steady

Many dealers are reporting that in spite of a poor U.S. Housing Starts and Permits report for April, their sales remain slow but steady and are showing some very small signs of improvement. The caveat being, that the COVID-19 curve needs to continue to be flattened, which will allow jobsites to remain open or in some states finally be able to start back up. Lumber and panel prices remain in an upward trajectory and producers are quoting production scheduled for the week of 6/8, to as far out as the week of 6/22. Another positive sign is the uptick in the number of new and existing home sale showings, both virtual and in person, that have been taking place since mid to late April. Low interest rates but rising home prices are keeping buyers engaged with the marketplace.

FEA compiles the Wood Markets News from various 3rd party sources to provide readers with the latest news impacting forest product markets. Opinions or views expressed in these articles do not necessarily represent those of FEA.