In the Prince George District of B.C., the spruce beetle continues to wreak its havoc on the local forests.
News in lumber
Yukon Lumber Yards and Builders Deal with Material Shortages and Sky-High Prices
The Yukon, a territory in northwest Canada, is wild, mountainous and has a very tiny population.
Southern British Columbia Wildfire Leads to Evacuation Notices
The Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) is reporting that hundreds of residents in British Columbia’s southern Okanagan region have forced to evacuate their home on short notices following a wildfire outbreak on Tuesday (8/18) afternoon southeast of Penticton B.C.
British Columbia Forestry Industry Back to Full Throttle Thanks to Record Breaking Lumber Prices
It is been a rough number of years for the British Columbia forestry sector.
Demand for Trucks and Cost per Mile Increases for Third Month in a Row
According to the DAT Network, nationally demand for trucks, flatbeds, vans and refrigerated units was up for the third straight month in a row, up almost 25% in certain shipping lanes and more than double the number for July 2019.
Canadian Lumber Production Declines Year-Over-Year in May
Statistics Canada is reporting that Canada’s lumber production increased 24.7% from April to May 2020. An increase of 4 360.4 thousand cubic meters. Year- over-year (May 2019 to May 2020) production was -18.7% lower.
The Forest Products Association of Canada Offers the Canadian Government Ideas on how to Jump Start the Economy Using Forestry Products
The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) has been working closely with the Canadian federal government to help form policies and programs to keep forest products businesses operating, workers safe and the essential products supply chain moving forward, during the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Higher Softwood Lumber Prices Push Building Materials Prices Higher in July
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is reporting that in July’s Producer Price Index (PPI) prices paid for goods used in residential construction continued their upward path, increasing by 1.8% (not seasonally adjusted).
Mercer Celgar Workers in Castlegar Return to Work
According to Rose Leslie, a spokesperson for Mercer Celgar, at least 215 of the workers laid off during the temporary shutdown of the Castlegar mill in the beginning of July, have returned to work as of July 31st.
Truckload Freight Rates for Spot Loads Continue to Increase
Typically, spot truckload freight rates decline in late July. However, this year has been anything, but typical and spot truckload rates have increased for the second week in a row according to DAT Solutions, which operates the DAT One Load Board Network.