US National Interagency Fire Center Wildfire Update for June 10th

In an update on Monday, the US National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) said there are currently nine large, uncontained wildfires being managed with full suppression strategies in Arizona, Florida, New Mexico, and Washington. Four large fires are being managed with strategies other than full suppression in Florida and New Mexico. The National Preparedness Level remains at a 2 out of 5.

The NIFC defines “strategies other than full suppression” as follows: When wildland fires threaten communities, historic places, natural resources, etc., firefighters will usually attempt to suppress the fire (put it out) completely. However, sometimes the strategy that is more ecologically healthy or safe is to allow naturally-ignited fires (usually lightning strikes) to spread naturally and self-extinguish, particularly in ecosystems that are adapted to fire. Sometimes firefighters will suppress one flank of the fire but allow it to continue burning in another direction (away from people and infrastructure).

As of Monday, 9 large new wildfires have burned 31,339 acres in 5 states. Five large wildfires are being reported in Arizona, 3 wildfires in Florida and New Mexico, and 1 in Alaska and Washington. The total number of wildfires fires contained currently stands at 4.

The updated year-to-date comparison is as follows:

  • Year-to-date through June 10th, 17,554 wildfires were reported, and they have burned 2,000,232 acres.
  • During the same period last year, 20,132 wildfires were reported, and they had burned 628,581 acres.
  • The 10-year average (2014–23) for the same period is 23,195 wildfires and 1,176,751 acres burned. The above-average number of acres is due to the wildfires in Texas in late February.

Parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Florida could see above normal potential for wildfires in June, the NIFC said.

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