Sierra Pacific Industries Plants Its 300 Millionth Seedling

Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) recently announced that it planted its 300 millionth seedling on its timberlands this spring. This milestone reflects Sierra Pacific’s commitment to sustainable forest management and ensuring we have forests for future generations.

Speaking about the milestone, SPI founder Red Emmerson said, “I wouldn’t have imagined 75 years ago when we started with no land and one very small sawmill that I would see the day we planted 300 million trees. This is a legacy I am proud of, and I am proud of our team that made this possible.”

With over 2.4 million acres of timberland in California, Oregon, and Washington, responsible land management is a priority. Planting seedlings after a harvest or wildfire is a critical step to support the cycle of forest health, resilience, and growth. The planting of over 300 million seedlings on Sierra Pacific’s timberlands is a testament to this commitment. This year alone, SPI planted 12.4 million seedlings on its lands.

“This milestone represents the culmination of decades of hard work and dedication by our team,” said SPI CEO Mark Emmerson. “It reflects our vision for a more sustainable future. We want to put back more than we take.”

Additionally, Sierra Pacific has established a new conifer seedling nursery that will grow 25 million seedlings per year at full capacity. These seedlings will be planted on Sierra Pacific land, as well as state, federal, and other private forestlands.

Sierra Pacific’s integrated approach to forest management includes ongoing nurturing, careful management, and a seamless connection to its sawmills and products. This ensures that every tree planted supports the forest ecosystem, wildlife, clean water, and air, while also providing a reliable source of logs for the sawmills and the sustainable products they manufacture.

Supported by a team of forestry professionals and guided by the latest scientific advancements, Sierra Pacific is dedicated to growing forests for the future. This milestone of planting 300 million trees and the investment in the conifer seedling nursery demonstrate Sierra Pacific’s generational commitment to leaving a lasting legacy.

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