New Timber Office Park Planned for Amsterdam

Archinet News is reporting (6-22-23) that De Zwarte Hond, a European design bureau for architecture and urban design, has designed a timber office building for Dutch energy company Alliander. The new timber office building will be located on the Noordzeeweg in Amsterdam Westpoort.

According to the designers, sustainability guided the design of the approximately 226,042-square-foot complex, which resulted in high flexibility, scalability, and modularity. Materials such as wood were used wherever possible, and harmful substances like glue, PU foam, or sealant have been minimized. The parking building’s detached setup allows it to shrink or grow as needed. In addition, the structures facades are made from weather resistant Corten steel.

The new office building is gas-free and energy neutral due to approximately 37 square feet of solar panels and thermal energy storage. Its use of timber allowed the project to store 560 tons of carbon dioxide. Great consideration was given toward cost reduction and the reuse of materials.

The interior of the office building is distinguished by a large atrium and wood central staircases.

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