Western Forest Products to Resume Production at Chemainus, B.C. Sawmill on February 22, 2022

Western Forest Products (WFP) announced today (2-16-22) that it intends to restart production at their Chemainus, B.C. sawmill operation on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. Production was temporarily halted on February 2, 2022, as weather and harvest conditions contributed to the temporary log shortage.

Western Forest Products senior director of communications Babita Khunkun, announced in a statement that they “have secured enough inventory to restart the mill.”

According to Khunkun, Chemainus primarily processes Western Red Cedar and “there was approximately one million (cubic meters) less cedar harvest on the coast last year than the average between 2015-2018.”

Packaging and shipping continued on day shift last week. The final day of packaging was last Thursday, February 10, and limited shipping continued into this week.

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