Western Cascade Industries Permanently Closing Its Toledo, OR, Sawmill

The chip and sawmill operated by Western Cascade Industries in Toledo, Oregon, is permanently closing its doors this week, The Lincoln County Leader reported (7-31-24). Walt Adamwille, the mill’s general manager, said last week that mill employees were informed on July 22nd that the mill would be closing at the end of July.

Western Cascade employs more than 50 people at the site, Adams said. “They’re shutting the power off August 1st, is what I’ve been told,” he said. “They’re pulling the plug here, so everybody’s going to be laid off by the end of this month.”

Adams told The Lincoln County Leader that the closure of the mill appears to be the result of a lumber market that has “just kind of been down across the board.” He added, “Just the way things have been going with the logs not coming in, it’s been looking that way for a while, but they’ve been talking like they’re going to keep going.”

Ted Stock and James Stock purchased the mill about 25 years ago. Most recently, the day-to-day operations have been overseen by Ross Stock. Multiple efforts to reach Ross Stock for comment were unsuccessful as of this week’s press deadline.

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