Anthony Timberlands Inc. Announces $10 Million Investment in Malvern, Arkansas Sawmill

Anthony Timberlands Inc. (ATI), Arkansas’s third-largest forest products manufacturer, announced on Wednesday (5-19-21) that they will be investing $10 million in improvement to their 75-year-old pine sawmill in Malvern, Arkansas over the next six to eight months. The ATI investment in the Malvern mill will include upgrading the primary breakdown systems, the carriage head rig, which processes large logs, and the mill’s sharp chain, which processes small logs. The company will also upgrade the mill’s trimmer line so it can handle the higher production volume afforded by the upgraded primary breakdown systems. ATI expects the upgrades will increase hourly production levels by 25%. In a new release, ATI President Steven M. Anthony said “the windfall provided by recent record lumber markets” has made it possible to finance upgrades at Malvern and other ATI operations internally. “Sawmill equipment is constantly evolving,” Anthony said. “If you are not periodically upgrading scanners, optimizers and lumber handling equipment, you are falling behind your competitors.”

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