US Dept. of Commerce Releases Preliminary Antidumping Determination in Sixth Administrative Review of Canadian Softwood Lumber Products

On Monday, the US Department of Commerce (DOC) released its preliminary determination for the sixth administrative review (AR6) of antidumping duties on certain softwood lumber products from Canada. The preliminary determinations do not have any impact on current duties or cash deposit rates.

The DOC announced AR6 in March 2024. The period of review (POR) is January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. The preliminary findings are summarized in the table below:

It is important to note that these findings are preliminary. Current deposit rates will not change until the DOC makes its final determination and publishes it in the Federal Register. We expect the final determination to be made and published in late August or early September. While these rates are preliminary, past precedent indicates that the final rates will be similar to the preliminary rates.

The DOC did not release the preliminary determination for countervailing duties on Monday. We will publish these rates (and the combined rates) as they come available.

FEA compiles the Wood Markets News from various 3rd party sources to provide readers with the latest news impacting forest product markets. Opinions or views expressed in these articles do not necessarily represent those of FEA.