Canadian Wildfire Update Provided by Natural Resources Canada

In its most recent wildfire update (9-6-23), Natural Resources Canada reported that Canada is at a national Preparedness Level 5 out of 5, indicating full commitment of national resources is ongoing, demand for resources is extreme, and international resources are being mobilized.

British Columbia is at Preparedness Level 4, while the Northwest Territories, Parks Canada, and Alberta are at Preparedness Level 3. All other agencies are at Preparedness Level of 1 or 2.

The number of wildfires is well above average for this time of the year, and well above the average for areas burned for this time of the year (see full article for details and maps). The ten-year average of cumulative area burned is 5,657,965 hectares, or the equivalent of 13,981,136 acres, as of September 6th. There were 121 net new fire starts, with 87 of those attributed to lightning strikes over the last week.

According to Natural Resources Canada, personnel and equipment have been mobilized to British Columbia, Alberta, Northwest Territories, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Parks Canada from across Canada and internationally. There are Australian, New Zealand, Mexican, and South African personnel active in Canada.

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