Stephen Sabine

Partner, Europe

Stephen was born in New Zealand but grew up in the Southeast of England where he lives today. He has been in the timber industry for 40 years, starting in 1982 as a Group Trainee with Montague Meyer in London. After three years, he settled with one of the Group companies, MacMillan Bloedell Meyer (MBM).
Stephen has had two “sabbaticals” during this time. He first returned to New Zealand to work for Carter Holt Harvey for two years in the late 1980s, then joined Finnforest in 1999 for six years. After both occasions, he returned to MBM Forest Products as it later became part of the Consolidated Timber Holdings Group.
Stephen and five partners bought Consolidated Timber Holdings in 2017. Rapid growth followed through its three softwood importing businesses, two manufacturing businesses, panel importing business, and national distribution network. The business was sold to Rubicon Partners Private Equity in 2021.

Today, Stephen sits on the National Softwood Division board of Timber Development UK (TDUK), the governing body of the UK timber industry. He also runs JAM Timber Consulting and is a partner at FEA, covering European markets.

Stephen can be reached at

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