Canadian Industrial Product and Raw Materials Price Indices for June

On Friday, Statistics Canada (StatCan) released the Industrial Product and Raw Materials Price Indices data for June.

Industrial Product Price Index

The Industrial Product Index (IPPI) was unchanged month-over-month in June, following a 0.2% increase in May.

Prices for pulp and paper products increased 1.7% on a monthly basis in June, mainly due to higher prices for wood pulp—up 2.9%. Wood pulp supply has been tight recently, contributing to higher prices for the third consecutive month. Lately, increased shipping costs have limited pulp and paper product exports from Asia to North American and European markets, holding down supply further.

The IPPI was 2.8% higher year-over-year, the third straight annual increase.

Raw Materials Price Index

The Raw Materials Price Index (RMPI) declined 1.4% month-over-month in June, following a 1.5% decline in May. Prices for crude energy products, down 1.2%, were the largest driver of the RMPI’s monthly decline, falling for the second month in a row.

The RMPI rose 7.5% year-over-year, the fourth consecutive annual increase. A base effect is largely behind the notable increase, as the RMPI fell 5.4% month-over-month in May 2023, followed by a monthly decline of 2.0% in June 2023.

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