Read our helpful FAQ Page

Conference Information

  • How do I register?

    Registration is available online here. For additional assistance, please contact us.

  • What are the dates and times for the live sessions?

    The 2024 conference will occur on September 24, 2024, at the World Forestry Center in Portland, Oregon. The Forest Products Forum features a full day of presentations and Q&As, as well as a lunch and reception. A full breakdown of the schedule is available here.

  • What topics will be covered?

    This conference provides participants with timely updates on industry and market conditions from all regions, as well as the global outlook for 2024–25. This year’s agenda is available here.

  • Who are the speakers?

    Learn more about our wide array of conference speakers on the Speakers page. Speakers range from FEA’s own top-tier analysts to carefully curated guests from around the globe.



    • How do I log in?
      1. Click on the Login button in the upper right-hand corner.
      2. Enter your email address and password.
      3. Click Login

  • How do I reset my password?
    • If you are already logged in, go to and click on PROFILE in the upper right-hand corner.
      • Enter a new password.
      • Confirm the new password.
      • Click CHANGE PASSWORD.
    • If you are not logged in, go to the LOG IN screen and click LOST YOUR PASSWORD?
      • Enter your email address.
      • Click RESET PASSWORD.
      • Once you receive the reset password email, click the Reset your password button. This email will come from
      • Enter a new password.
      • Confirm the new password.
      • Click CHANGE PASSWORD.